My fellow innovators, I’ve created something truly revolutionary, born from the depths of my own frustrations
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My fellow innovators, I’ve created something truly revolutionary, born from the depths of my own frustrations

As a web developer, I was constantly tired of switching between tabs just to translate a word or two, or to get a quick answer to a burning question from AI. The constant back-and-forth was draining my time and energy.

So, I took matters into my own hands and developed a Chrome extension that allows you to get an answer from AI without ever leaving the comfort of your current tab, and specifically - the comfort of your current text field. It may seem like a simple solution, but trust me - it's a game-changer when trying to save time and energy.

Assuming that there's a chance some of you might be experiencing the same frustration, I'd like to share this tool with you.

For anyone thinking: "Wait, but there are already tools that let you use AI inside the current browser tab" - yeah, there are. BUT can they scrape website data from a simple URL in order to get context for the response? Can other tools read PDFs? Do these tools let you control every setting to the smallest detail? Probably not. Well this tool does let you do all that.

You can find it on Chrome store as "Wou AI"

Let me know how it works out for you, and I would greatly appreciate any feedback or suggestions for future functions.

submitted by /u/MantasDigital
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