Multimodal AI’s will cause people to embrace their own reality bubbles and that is bad news for dictatorships
Multimodal AI’s will cause people to embrace their own reality bubbles and that is bad news for dictatorships

Multimodal AI’s will cause people to embrace their own reality bubbles and that is bad news for dictatorships

I have been messing with llama. Trying to make a script to make a movie. Sort of realize it is not there yet, it can write decoherent long stories / what ever you want. You can couple it with stable diffusion to make images that would have to be described better to fit the "movie" or narrative. It is not there yet, ChatGPT can already do this, you can ask it to tell you a story and describe the visual scenes.

At the same time, we are getting audio generation from things like audioldm2 and stableaudio etc. Multimodal AI's are almost here.

Pretty soon we will have devices in our pockets powered by AI chips that will be able to generate what ever reality we want. We can feed them images from our past and they can allow us to live in VR reality of the past. Or we can choose to live in another country while being in North Korea for example.

Now, the narrative of our nations. Depends on people embracing the main stream media and the narrative of those around us. The dictatorships depend on that. The daily narrative (propaganda) upload into the heads of the citizens that have to hate X.

But like we see in Japan and elsewhere. Some people want to drop out, the hikimori, surround themselves with things that are more important to them than the news.

The AI devices connected to our VR glasses, on our phones, will make it possible for people to embrace micro bubbles of reality. They will be vivid, they will be multimodal. They will allow you to filter the news out of everything you want. They will allow the AI to sort of work as a go between the "real world" and you.

Eventually. It could be that two neighbors living side by side will be in a completely different reality. You can have the guy in Pyongang live in a virtual America of sorts. And if the government has not bugged his apartment, they will not know. As the device with the AI chip will be able to make him American style entertainment all day long. It may not be the real thing. But it will be close. No internet needed.

And all of us rest. Most of us will choose to embrace a reality tailor made for us. We will want to see movies in which our favorite stars of the past are young and doing new adventures, we might want to conjure the dead to be alive again. To listen to a new "dead person here" album generated live by the AI. Giving commands to the magical device to do this and that and eventually.

We may notice that our reality has nothing to do with the mainstream. We will live in a unique tailor made reality bubbles.

submitted by /u/aluode
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