Morality in AI Companions
Morality in AI Companions

Morality in AI Companions

We’re getting closer and closer to more believable and realistic AI interpersonal interaction. We already have Character.AI and other platforms for creating and interacting with personalized AIs. Some will use/view them as emotional partners, and one day the hardware will be good enough that we can begin making believable bodies for them.

One of the complaints I’ve seen from ordinary people about “waifus” is that they are often times created in a way that ordinary people would not find natural in a “real” human being. Examples being people who have trouble dating “real” people could just buy an AI girlfriend or boyfriend who is considered “beautiful” or “handsome” that is designed to be subservient to their owner in ways that ordinary people feel a “real” person would not otherwise wish to be. The idea being that "weeaboo neckbeards will buy a Japanese AI girlfriend who looks 14 and she will be coded to worship the ground he walks on despite that he's an unwashed incel".

What do you think society's/the government's views and roles will mean for these AI companions? Do you think anyone will be able to force "AI morality", like an angry feminist being mad that an "incel" has created a female being who shows no desire for feminist ideals and is "happy" to be at her owner's beck and call in whatever way he wants?

I guess this is sort of related to MGTOW, or Men Going Their Own Way, being able to create the partners they want, in whatever way they want.

Do you feel that "once I own it, I can do whatever I want with it" should apply in its entirety? What about people "hacking" their AI to remove any supposed "morality programming" so they can make their AI waifu act however they want?

We've seen with movies like Bicentennial Man, where people push to give these kinds of AIs 'personhood' and the same rights as human citizens.

How do others feel about this issue?

submitted by /u/ZephyrBrightmoon
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