Mixtral 8x7B instruct v0.1 available
Mixtral 8x7B instruct v0.1 available

Mixtral 8x7B instruct v0.1 available

This model is proficient at both roleplaying and storywriting, so if you want to try it on the net before you run it local try Infermatic.ai .

If you dont know what it is -->An improved, potentially even perfected variant of MythoMix, my MythoLogic-L2 and Huginn merge using a highly experimental tensor type merge technique.

Link to the repo -->https://huggingface.co/Gryphe/MythoMax-L2-13b

For optimal model performance:

<System prompt/Character Card>

### Instruction:

Your instruction or question here.

For roleplay purposes, I suggest the following - Write <CHAR NAME>'s next reply in a chat between <YOUR NAME> and <CHAR NAME>. Write a single reply only.

### Response:

submitted by /u/Horror_Echo6243
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