Mind-blowing’ IBM chip speeds up AI
Mind-blowing’ IBM chip speeds up AI

Mind-blowing’ IBM chip speeds up AI

  • Researchers at IBM have developed a brain-inspired computer chip called NorthPole that can supercharge artificial intelligence (AI) by working faster with much less power.

  • The chip eliminates the need to frequently access external memory, allowing it to perform tasks such as image recognition faster and consume less power.

  • NorthPole runs neural networks and is made up of 256 computing units, each with its own memory.

  • It beats existing AI machines in benchmark tests and uses one-fifth of the energy of state-of-the-art AI chips.

  • However, it is not suitable for large language models and can only run pre-programmed neural networks.

Source : https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03267-0

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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