Looking for n better AI-Generator site to write my stories…
Looking for n better AI-Generator site to write my stories…

Looking for n better AI-Generator site to write my stories…

Let me start off by saying that I have found a site called ToolBaz. Whilst it is much better than other, in which other sites, you can only set a few things up, like the plot, the characters and a few other things before you hit a button for the AI to write the story FOR you.

However, this site is different, whilst you can write a few hundred words and depending on how the length you want, it writes it for you, this site is different. It’ll allow you to write what you want first, and after setting the mood, the length, which is sadly only one thousand and two hundred words, the point-of-view and a few other settings, you can hit the Write Button and the AI-Generator begins to rewrite the story to what you set it for.

The only problem that I found is that you can only enter up to around 1119 words in the text box before you have to hit the Write Button and have the AI do its work.

However, once you have it there, you can hit Write Button until you find the rewritten story that the AI created that you like. I should warn you if you use the site, there’s sometimes a cooldown time before you can hit the Write Button again.

But here's the problem, other than giving you a limited amount of words to use to write your story, it doesn't allow you to write smut. So, I'm looking for a site that allows me all the above, but also allows me to be able to use more words to write what I want, and the ability to write smut without going to another site.

Do any of you know of such a site I can use?

submitted by /u/DarkDragen
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