I am looking for texts in the range of a paragraph to a page (or potentially more) that are written by an AI and which really show some creative, competent writing. Something that feels like part of a book, fiction or non-fiction, rather than just a streamlined well-written report on a topic.
I did search on google and here on reddit for "good AI texts" and similar terms. But of course all you get are tutorials or commercials on how to create a "good AI text". But no actual good AI texts.
My motivation was a post by an AI sceptic that essentially said he still has to see a single well written AI text. And me as an AI enthusiast did fail to remember any such texts. I only know of many "one liners", posted here, which are funny or show some interesting thing about the inner life of the AI.
I sure appreciate your own text creations, but will maybe first read those texts that have some upvotes already or which are from a frequented website.
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