Looking for a general AI course
Looking for a general AI course

Looking for a general AI course

Looking for recommendations of courses I could do on AI. Basically I'm a teacher and teach some basic IT, but also want to upskill myself. And maybe help me be able to develop a basic course for students. And I need an actual course, not just a book or browsing, as I could probably get school to pay and give me time if it's a course.

Looking around I can see plenty of basic courses on things like ChatGPT, but I'm after something a bit beefier, that covers a variety of technologies. But anything more advanced seem to be machine learning or other creating AI courses, which I'm not interested in.

Does anyone know of any courses that teach about using a variety of technologies, or one in a more advanced way?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Heya_Andy
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