local model for accents and text correction ?
local model for accents and text correction ?

local model for accents and text correction ?

QWERTY user typing in french. i dont write accents but in order to share notes or write official stuff, i need a way to quickly correct the text (just the accents really, such as "mangé" instead of "mange"

macbook air M1 16/512gb

I feel AI is MUCH better than any product now for correcting mistakes (even paid ones like antidote which is afaik the reference for writers)

For writing in chrome....no fix i suppose, chrome still hasn't an autocorrect , unlike safari

For other apps though, be it upnote , note taking systems like obsidian , word, pdf etc

what solutions may I use, ollama perhaps? is it possible or do I need to make my own instructions for it (which i wouldnt know how to do, hence i'd drop the idea)

Feeding ChatGPT stuff is good but ;

1)it's severely limited and I don't even have big notes but since they're 60k-200k characters chatgpt isn't able to accept it

2)having to input, wait for answer, copy and paste nay replace , errr

3) MOST importantly, do you know if local models can be run for that kinda workflow?

is there any model that's decently size which i could run locally for that kind of stuff ?

it's really not even about mistakes and grammar, I just need those damn accents with french text hahah. I'm probably gonna move to an english country solely for that thing i swear

submitted by /u/Acrobatic-Monitor516
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