Learning to write programs that generate images
Learning to write programs that generate images

Learning to write programs that generate images

Through a humans eyes, the world is much more than just the images reflected in our corneas. For example, when we look at a building and admire the intricacies of its design, we can appreciate the craftsmanship it requires. This ability to interpret objects through the tools that created them gives us a richer understanding of the world and is an important aspect of our intelligence.We would like our systems to create similarly rich representations of the world. For example, when observing an image of a painting we would like them to understand the brush strokes used to create it and not just the pixels that represent it on a screen.In this work, we equipped artificial agents with the same tools that we use to generate images and demonstrate that they can reason about how digits, characters and portraits are constructed. Crucially, they learn to do this by themselves and without the need for human-labelled datasets. This contrasts with recent research which has so far relied on learning from human demonstrations, which can be a time-intensive process.