Large Agentic Models or "LAM" hype or real?
Large Agentic Models or "LAM" hype or real?

Large Agentic Models or "LAM" hype or real?

So I'm a CS student in my senior year. I've studied AI a bit, I'm getting into language models when I can between classes.

Someone I know was just gushing about this R1 Rabbit thing, and it says it is based on LAMs..but I can't seem to find any academic resources about that kind of model.

Am I just sucking at searching on Google scholar? Is this just marketing jargon?

Ok I found this recent paper REX: Rapid Exploration and eXploitation for AI Agents where they use the term LAM interchangeably with AI Agents, but doesn't really define it. But I can infer that it's not a new tech, at least for that paper.

submitted by /u/gotoline1
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