Just did a basic experiment across the popular models: “ Write 5 sentences that all end with the word ‘apple’.”
Just did a basic experiment across the popular models: “ Write 5 sentences that all end with the word ‘apple’.”

Just did a basic experiment across the popular models: “ Write 5 sentences that all end with the word ‘apple’.”

Most of them failed.

So this was my prompt:

Write 5 sentences that all end with the word 'apple'.

It was identical in all models. I only did this exactly once for each one. Here’s the results I got of how many of the 5 sentences ended in “apple”. I let “apples” count as an ending as well even though technically that is a fail.

Google palm: 0/5

Falcon 180B: 0/5

Bard: 1/5

Claude 2: 1/5

Gpt 3.5: 2/5

Llama2 70b: 4/5

GPT 4: 5/5

Edit: some examples if you’re curious




submitted by /u/jgainit
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