


I wanted to create a project that demonstrates using AI to brainstorm and refine story ideas collaboratively with a human. Not replacing the human, but acting as a creative partner, suggesting ideas, doing research and compiling notes. Right now it’s just a console interface, but I plan to grow this into a web interface.

While this code does not (yet) generate full length coherent novels. It can however generate notes for full length novel writing. My end goal for this is to create a system that can leverage human input, detailed notes and topic/vector datastores, to help create long form works of fiction with coherent narratives, great characters, believable worlds, and literary methods that do not fall flat.

At each step of a simulated rountable discussion, the human can propose new ideas as well as accept, reject, or modify the AI agents' suggestions. These suggestions are stored as cards which represent topics brought up during the discussion, which are automatically curated by a "scribe agent" (which utilizes more langchain custom langchain tools!). After the roundtable discussion, character design and worldbuilder agents flesh out the story. Lastly, this information is compiled into chapter descriptions.

submitted by /u/seraphius
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