I’ve recently created a chrome extension called "PandaChat Brief." The tool enables you to summarize web content & chat instantly with the website, allowing users to quickly get information directly through the extension. Just search "PandaChat Brief" on the chrome web store :)
IIvvee rreecceennttllyy ccrreeaatteedd aa cchhrroommee eexxtteennssiioonn ccaalllleedd ""PPaannddaaCChhaatt BBrriieeff.."" TThhee ttooooll eennaabblleess yyoouu ttoo ssuummmmaarriizzee wweebb ccoonntteenntt && cchhaatt iinnssttaannttllyy wwiitthh tthhee wweebbssiittee,, aalllloowwiinngg uusseerrss ttoo qquuiicckkllyy ggeett iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ddiirreeccttllyy tthhrroouugghh tthhee eexxtteennssiioonn.. JJuusstt sseeaarrcchh ""PPaannddaaCChhaatt BBrriieeff"" oonn tthhee cchhrroommee wweebb ssttoorree ::))

I’ve recently created a chrome extension called "PandaChat Brief." The tool enables you to summarize web content & chat instantly with the website, allowing users to quickly get information directly through the extension. Just search "PandaChat Brief" on the chrome web store :)

I've recently created a chrome extension called "PandaChat Brief." The tool enables you to summarize web content & chat instantly with the website, allowing users to quickly get information directly through the extension. Just search "PandaChat Brief" on the chrome web store :) submitted by /u/blacky_ninja
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