It feels like we’re on the verge of a new very disturbing phase, of extreme AI-generated-fake paranoia.
It feels like we’re on the verge of a new very disturbing phase, of extreme AI-generated-fake paranoia.

It feels like we’re on the verge of a new very disturbing phase, of extreme AI-generated-fake paranoia.

This is already widespread on more internet-savvy platforms like Reddit, but I think it will be even more serious and troubling when it becomes ubiquitous on the more ‘popular’ sites like Facebook and Instagram.

Pretty soon the authenticity of all and any photos on social media will be up for question while genuine photos will be dismissed as ‘fake’ off-hand.

Public figures will be mimicked and faked up constantly, which will also allow many, including politicians, to deny genuine photos of themselves in compromising positions, even historically. (Trump’s stock answer to any damning allegations was to just cry ‘Fake!’)

The net result will be billions of very anxious people not knowing what’s real and what isn’t, and nefarious people, scammers, school bullies, manipulators exploiting the resulting confusion and paranoia for their own means, with nobody knowing who to turn to for help.

That’s going to apply to teenagers and vulnerable people especially; people already suffering from paranoia, anxiety, dissociative disorders, and isolated lonely people.

Stop the internet, I want to get off.

submitted by /u/AllThingsAreReady
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