Issue with — no sound comes out after feeding a prerecorded audio clip through the voice filter!
Issue with — no sound comes out after feeding a prerecorded audio clip through the voice filter!

Issue with — no sound comes out after feeding a prerecorded audio clip through the voice filter!

So I created a voice profile based on recordings of my own voice over on

The audio was crisp, loud and clear.

I only added about 16 minutes if it though. (A minimum of 15 minutes is recommended)

When I take a prerecorded voice clip and feed it through the voice profile I created, it’s just silent for all 15 seconds that it grants you before you upgrade.

Then it has the little 2 second audio watermark at the end, where it says “voice AI,” and that I can hear perfectly fine!

I’ve searched all over for others who might have had this problem, but it seems like the main problem people have reported difficulties with audio are/were tend to center around the live mode failing to function properly.

Has anyone had this issue before?

Should I add more audio to the voice profile to make it more well rounded perhaps?

If so, how much audio do you typically need to create a solid custom voice profile?

Should I just update to the paid version? I don’t really think that would fix it, and I wanted to wait to upgrade until I had some proof that it worked, yanno?

I’m not sure what to do…

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/WhenTheFoxGRINS
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