Is this feasible?
Is this feasible?

Is this feasible?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about social media (Meta) and other large tech companies (Google) that profit off of our screen time with shown ads, and collecting data to sell. I know this is not a new topic, but I had an idea as to go on offense, instead of just defense with engines like Duck duck go..

Is it possible with AI to build an app that automatically searches, clicks, interacts with content on a social media site, or performs searches and I interactions on a search engine? Ideally a person could set the perimeters eg. kittens, how to xyz, rainbows, muscle cars, etc. this could run in the background while we are sleeping and the device is charging.

After a time, the algorithm would produce ads catered to these searches as the profile these tech companies build on us start to morph into whatever we pick.

As they do morph, the value proposition they have to sell our data to advertisers lessons as the integrity of the data falls apart.

These companies as many know apply dark tactics and other psychological tactics to keep us engaged and disconnected from the real world.

Thoughts on if this sort of program could be possible?

submitted by /u/Pristine-Balance1827
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