Is this a viable approach for a small plant manufacturing engineer?
Is this a viable approach for a small plant manufacturing engineer?

Is this a viable approach for a small plant manufacturing engineer?

I'm a small plant engineer who covers manufacturing, process, quality, and new product design. I wear many hats in my job and it's a lot of responsibility.

One way I've attempted to tame the complexity is by using good reference books. I've accumulated quite the collection through the years. Some print others digital. I've also got a lot of digital notes. And that's a lot of data.

I've been playing around with (thanks to this sub for recommending) and uploading documents to it and querying them. Its been able to find the information every time it's been available. And more importantly it's provided sources and page numbers. This is important, since I've never been able to find a conversational AI that gives me consistently good answers (including the latest chatgpt), and I always need to read deeper. I also need to backup my work. So in this way it's basically a super index.

I also bought a tablet for note-taking and basic sketches. The idea is to use the tablet to take notes, hold my library for reading, and interact with

Is this approach good enough, or is there something else I can do?

submitted by /u/Aggressive_Ad_507
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