Is there an "easy" way to feed a model a PDF and have it chatbot-style quiz and school me on the PDF?
Is there an "easy" way to feed a model a PDF and have it chatbot-style quiz and school me on the PDF?

Is there an "easy" way to feed a model a PDF and have it chatbot-style quiz and school me on the PDF?

Hey there! I may be dreaming here, but I have a massive 2000 page PDF that I'm wanting to study in a more fun way than just reading the whole thing. Something like "Make me a practice test with 20 multiple choice questions from each chapter and 5 short answer questions from each chapter, and then explain why my answers are right or wrong to help me further understand."

It would be nice if it could also pull info from outside of the PDF too so that it can enrich it's explanation of why I got it right/wrong. For a user that's more tech savvy than most but doesn't know how to "code" (I know SQL but I know that won't help here), is there a model/service/app that's user friendly enough for me to get this project working in maybe less than 50 hours of my time?

Mind you, it's just for me to use so it doesn't have to look fancy or whatever. As long as it functions and is as accurate as you can expect AI to be, that's cool by me.

Thanks all!

submitted by /u/you-got-got
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