Is my plan good for a good future(any advice would be great)?
Is my plan good for a good future(any advice would be great)?

Is my plan good for a good future(any advice would be great)?

Heyy everyone

This is my first post here so I apologize if i don’t follow the rules here.

I am in a very very tough situation and I really need your guidance. I was a 3rd year student in University of Aberdeen doing bachelors in business management and information systems. My father lost his job and now I am leaving my degree halfway as I can’t afford it and there is no scholarship or financial aid for international students. I am getting an undergraduate diploma of higher education (science) from the university based on my grade record from 1st and 2nd year. The places I might be moving to I know won’t accept a transfer student.

I don’t feel right doing bachelors all over again. I have been programming for a while and I know that I have the strength to self learn. I have made a rough plan of doing professional certifications for AI and cybersecurity and start freelancing and creating my portfolio. I know that it’s a big and difficult plan. I will be traveling soon to start a new journey and I am very scared for everything. Just staying calm for my family as we have been through quite a lot this year. Do you guys think I have a good plan? Anyone here who have a story of self learning or even been through the same situation as mine?

submitted by /u/SkillKiller3010
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