Is my domain name a good idea? What can I build on it? Go Go AI Go dot com …. No webpage on it now, any good ideas???
Is my domain name a good idea? What can I build on it? Go Go AI Go dot com …. No webpage on it now, any good ideas???

Is my domain name a good idea? What can I build on it? Go Go AI Go dot com …. No webpage on it now, any good ideas???

I was cooking chicken wings one evening ago in the not too distant past and this idea popped into my head. Before the night was over I went online and bought the domain name of GoGoAIGo . com and then the .ai version also. I put the dot com version up on Sedo ( for sale and I actually now own the .com .ai .org and .net versions of that phrase. Not only my decade but the the generational decades in front of me and the one generational decade behind me can remember our ole Inspector Gadget friend whom had a similar phrase, but not exact that he would say.

I'm an individual whom may hold onto something if I feel it has intrinsic value for a future development, which I think this can if laid out in an appropriate fashion. I'm working on another business project right now and I own some trademarks for my other business project so I'm not exactly a newbie in ways here I'm just kind of fresh to the AI realm studies. I think it's overblown right now but will be fine tuned over the next 5-7 years better and society will find a better seat for it.

I could see this domain being like a search engine or something, maybe even something to do with robots. I expect AI robots moving forward will be regulated and have various classes that they are placed into as we integrate certain ones in our society. Let's be honest, the light-switch isn't flipping overnight or even in one quick year over this AI stuff. I'm in no rush to have a piece of AI wash my dishes for me to be honest. The last robotic thing I was thinking about getting was a robot mower to cut a field, I believe they are working on those now.

Anybody have any unique ideas for me? I used to play with lego robots way back in high school in the early 2000's.... Seems like this website would make a great search engine but honestly there are other phrases that can be put into play with society also.

Thanks for any mental stimulation you can toss in my direction.

submitted by /u/Wise_Cut_2543
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