Is Musical Instinct Innate? AI Model Suggests So.
Is Musical Instinct Innate? AI Model Suggests So.

Is Musical Instinct Innate? AI Model Suggests So.

Researchers have discovered that musical instinct may naturally emerge from the human brain using an artificial neural network model.

Key points include:

  1. Researchers found that music-selective neurons can develop spontaneously without explicit musical training.
  2. These neurons exhibit behavior similar to those in the human auditory cortex, selectively responding to various music genres.
  3. This discovery implies that musical ability may be an instinctive brain function, evolved to process natural sounds effectively.
  4. Music, known as a universal language, appears to be shared across cultures, suggesting a shared 'musical instinct.'
  5. The study utilized Google's AudioSet to analyze natural sounds and observed neurons responding specifically to music.
  6. Music-selective neurons encode the temporal structure of music and are not limited to a specific genre.
  7. Suppressing these neurons affects cognitive accuracy for other natural sounds, underscoring the role of 'musical ability' in processing sounds.

The research has implications for AI music generation, musical therapy, and understanding musical cognition. However, it doesn't address the developmental aspects of music learning.



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