Is Medicine going to turn into a job where you manage multiple AI/LLM tools to use as CoPilot
Is Medicine going to turn into a job where you manage multiple AI/LLM tools to use as CoPilot

Is Medicine going to turn into a job where you manage multiple AI/LLM tools to use as CoPilot

What do you guys think is going to happen. I am a medical student and I have played around with LLMs a lot. Is medicine going to turn into this role where Doctor, Patient, LLMs (not just 1 but multiple agents) all work together for patient care? In the sense of what excel did for accountants, will LLMs do the same for doctors? Not just 1 LLM, but multiple LLM agents interfacing with each other as well working with a doctor in a symbiotic role. Doctors already spend a LOT of time in front of EHRs too. People say medicine will go back about being in person, but I feel like it will go in other direction and be EVEN more computer focused

submitted by /u/derpgod123
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