Is it possible to create animation using some sort of AI?
Is it possible to create animation using some sort of AI?

Is it possible to create animation using some sort of AI?

I’ve been wanting to make an animated short which is about a fight scenes. (2 characters fighting each other). Which may be 5 mins long or something.

Problem is, my background in animation isn’t that great. And although I kinda understand the basics of animation. It’s extremely time consuming and I am a very busy guy.

I do realize I can pay someone to do it for me. But I don’t wanna pay either.

If there a way I can use AI, where I can provide pictures of charters, and provide the scrips. And the AI would take all that information and make the animated short?

Maybe not in video form, but I won’t say no if they gave me each frame and I have to put them together.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/ExtremePrivacy18
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