Is it possible that the internet might end up becoming half useless because AI has flooded it with convincing fake news/websites/profiles etc. that serious business will have to be moved back to a person to person basis?
Is it possible that the internet might end up becoming half useless because AI has flooded it with convincing fake news/websites/profiles etc. that serious business will have to be moved back to a person to person basis?

Is it possible that the internet might end up becoming half useless because AI has flooded it with convincing fake news/websites/profiles etc. that serious business will have to be moved back to a person to person basis?

I just read the post asking when AI will replace all jobs, and it dawned on me that unless AGI robotics really take off, AI's strength will only lie in the internet/communications/information sphere, which means sooner or later, we might not be able to trust anything we see unless we see it with our own eyes.

So could we end up in a weird situation in the near future where the trend of the last few decades, that saw all sorts of serious financial, informational, corporate and government business moved online, will have to be moved back offline, and we'll end up doing a lot of stuff on a person to person basis again?

Thereby giving us this weird dichotomy where the internet has creativity/entertainment/beauty/art like none other, but we can't trust it with anything serious.

submitted by /u/EducationalSky8620
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