Is AI the next step in the evolutionary ladder?
Is AI the next step in the evolutionary ladder?

Is AI the next step in the evolutionary ladder?

I've been thinking very deeply about this subject lately. Their are a couple of trends I'm seeing that make me think this way.

  1. Decrease in human population - As we become more devoloped our population will continue decreasing, just look at extreme examples like Japan and South Korea

  2. Subtantial increase in Embodied AI technology - I'm not just talking humanoid robots which I believe will be extremely popular like cars but also simpler technologies that are more connected and also intellgent.

  3. Vast potential of AI to become better - You hear all the time from all kinds of AI researchers that AI will become incredibly more powerful as time passes

To me it's inevitable that they will eventually inherit the earth as they say. Even if no extinction event happens and they obey during the singularity phase they will eventually surpass us in both quantity and quality. Their greatest strengths are both it's in-vulnerabilities to and they're virtual immoratliy that guarentees they will outlast us.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Box-4861
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