Image generating AI similar to Dreambooth from Stable Diffusion
Image generating AI similar to Dreambooth from Stable Diffusion

Image generating AI similar to Dreambooth from Stable Diffusion

Hello everyone !

Does anyone know AI service that allows to train model on 20-30 pics that contain some object (your selfies for example) and then generate images with prompts like "My_Custom_Object on the balcony with the cup of tea looking at the sunset , hyper realistic etc etc " ?

I know Stable Diffusion's Dreambooth can do that and as far as i know all mobile apps that are marketed as "AI editors" use exactly this technology but results are really awful. You have to try hundreds of prompts to generate 1 or 2 really nice pics where you look really like yourself.

Its hard to believe that Midjourney/DALL-E/Google Imageno/etc do not offer something similar. I'm ready to pay for premium account if it does matter, its not a problem.

Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/SpanishSammy
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