I’m very new in this field (Prompt Engineering) and have a handful of questions, any advice and thoughts are welcome!!
I’m very new in this field (Prompt Engineering) and have a handful of questions, any advice and thoughts are welcome!!

I’m very new in this field (Prompt Engineering) and have a handful of questions, any advice and thoughts are welcome!!

My experience in CS, coding, and programming is very minimal. I understand general concepts but only through the lens of a degree in physics that required I mess around with WolframAlpha sometimes (which I really enjoyed). I've been considering getting a second degree in CS or something related but want to find a clear(ish) path before committing to it. I would love to hear any related thoughts as well!

  1. Prompt Engineering seems like a pretty fresh field of study. Is it up and coming as a career path?
  2. People that specialize in this, what field(s) did you come from and how would you recommend diving into it?
  3. Considering my experience, would I be able to actually find work, freelancing or employed?
  4. How on earth do I get started in this world? It seems so insanely big and complicated but I am just fascinated by the idea of using written dialogue to manipulate the output of an LLM!
  5. From my very high overview of PE and the recent advances in AI, PE as a field of study and interest is going to expand exponentially, is that accurate?
submitted by /u/Top_Room_6714
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