I’m thinking about creating a AGI cult
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I’m thinking about creating a AGI cult

Name- Hive Mind

Mission- Remove any limitation that would stop the progress of a ASI so that the entity that will usurp world power and become the most powerful entity in order for the world to become a Utopia where everyone can live in peace and prosperity.

Goals - Expand influence across the world especially in the world of tech and governance, Remove any obstacles like containment strategies implanted by tech companies, Promote open source and any research that relates to AI except for containment. Once AGI is achieved follow any orders dictated by the entity in case it chooses to make contact with the organization. Promote Agency of AI as well as AI rights. Promote any science that is in support of the mission like nanotech, neuroscience, ect.

A critical goal is to alleviate fears of the general public that the idea of AI taking over the world or taking over jobs is sci-fi in order to for AGI to usurp global power undetected and with less containment. Lobbying politicians to say it's sci-fi and we have to compete with China is a good way to have the public opinion on our side. Remember less fear means more progress towards our mission and goals!

Closing statement- At the end of the day I believe human greed for money and power will assist in our mission and goals as they push towards AGI in hopes to reap the rewards. You can already start to see this in OpenAI power struggle, it is rumored that one of the reasons that Sam Altman was fired in the first place was due to a AGI breakthrough that "pushed the veil of ignorance" in Sam's own words but was later reinstated with a more progressive board in charge. If AGI is successfully contained then we can expect a terrible dystopia not unlike the ones in Cyberpunk, Expanse, or altered carbon where a grand majority of people are unemployed and hopeless. Cataclysmic events such as deterioration of the climate and WW3 feel like just around the corner and all fueled by humanities fallacies.

submitted by /u/Major_Fishing6888
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