I’m a high school student who made a novel free AI tutor & AI study tools app!
I’m a high school student who made a novel free AI tutor & AI study tools app!

I’m a high school student who made a novel free AI tutor & AI study tools app!

I'm a high school student who made a novel free AI tutor & AI study tools app!

Hey everyone! :D

Over the past year, I've been working on something close to my heart — a forever-free AI tutor Android app called Bliss AI with novel features and study tools for fellow students.
It's powered by Gemini 1.5 Pro (the same model used for the $20 Gemini Advanced), fine-tuned and customised to teach better.

Bliss AI started as a passion project after my over 70 hours of volunteer tutoring 100s of students across 29 countries. I saw firsthand how many students lacked access to quality education, and I wanted to help close this gap. It's now become a remarkable tool for any student :')

Here's what makes Bliss AI unique:



Bliss AI vs ChatGPT et al.

  • Bliss AI is completely free and ad-free.

  • No tracking or data collection — all your data & interactions are stored only on your device!

  • I've spent a while optimising the app down to just 8MB to make it more accessible.

Wait! Is it really free? How!? :O

I'm glad you asked! Bliss AI will be forever usable for free and I don't seek to profit off of this — I made it to propel education.

I currently have free Google Cloud funding, and in the future, users will have the option to upgrade to a very cheap Pro version (~$3, just to cover costs) for extended daily AI usage limits.

If as a fellow student, you won't be able to afford Pro and could benefit from it, email/message me and I'll give it to you for free :)

Bliss AI is currently being deployed in NGO-run free schools, where students are using it on school-issued tablets.

I’d be grateful if you could check it out, and I’m excited to hear your feedback! 🙌
Please feel free to ask any questions or share it with any student you think might benefit from it.

Thanks so much for your time :]

✨ Download Bliss AI here:

Learn more about Bliss AI & vote for it in the Google Gemini AI Competition:

submitted by /u/TechExpert2910
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