If you have any questions for the European Parliament members (Brando Benifei and Dragoş Tudorache) in charge of the EU AI act about the legislation, let the AI Coffee Break podcast know today
If you have any questions for the European Parliament members (Brando Benifei and Dragoş Tudorache) in charge of the EU AI act about the legislation, let the AI Coffee Break podcast know today

If you have any questions for the European Parliament members (Brando Benifei and Dragoş Tudorache) in charge of the EU AI act about the legislation, let the AI Coffee Break podcast know today

If you have any questions for the European Parliament members (Brando Benifei and Dragoş Tudorache) in charge of the EU AI act about the legislation, let the AI Coffee Break podcast know today submitted by /u/paconinja
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