I would like to increase my knowledge in AI at work.
I would like to increase my knowledge in AI at work.

I would like to increase my knowledge in AI at work.


I would like to increase my knowledge in AI. My thoughts have long been that one would preferably want to be 'ahead of the game' and possibly stay one step ahead in using AI at work.

I have been looking around for basic books, but the ones I find are more explanations of, for example, risks with AI and what AI is fundamentally, etc. I am looking for more ways to apply it for a non-mathematician or programmer.

I work today with documentation in the security industry. And six months ago, I was assigned to start drawing drawings in CAD due to a colleague's illness. I had zero experience. But goodness, ChatGPT has been such a help. Today, I even feel confident in what I do.

My thought is to continue evolving :) If I can keep progressing the way I have in just six months, it feels like 'I can do anything.' I just don't know where to start beyond ChatGPT.

Take care

submitted by /u/Rymdfararen
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