I want to do an experiment. And I need help.
I want to do an experiment. And I need help.

I want to do an experiment. And I need help.

I want to do an experiment, with me as the subject. This experiment is going to test out how and if Personal AI's can either benefit or burden someone and how much an AI can actually learn about someone through conversation.

I am going to casually and consistently talk to an LLM that will constantly be learning about me based on what I say. My hypothesis is after say 1-2 months it will probably know my name, my age, some of my hobbies, how I talk (or text), some of my friends, current happenings, etc. After maybe 3-5 months it may know some more personal details about me such as maybe some of my secrets, my emotional state, my family members (if it didn't already learn about them in the first stage), and some other miscellaneous details about my personality. By month 6 it may have an effect on me as at this point it would basically know me better than some of my friends, I may use it more often and tell it more of my personal matters. Effectively a Hyper-Personal AI.

However this experiment needs an LLM similar to ChatGPT or better that has Long-term Memory (or something close to it) and that can run locally on my computer/phone (Either or). I also need to be able to modify it's system message so it understands what it needs to do. As to my knowledge I don't know if there's an LLM that meets these requirements and google has been useless.

This post is mainly asking for if there is an LLM I can use that meet these requirements. But also you can leave your opinions on if this is a good idea or not.

And no this wasn't generated with ChatGPT I just use it so goddamn much I'm starting to talk like it.

TL;DR: I'm turning myself into a guinea pig and I need someone to find me an AI with long-term memory that I can run locally on my computer/phone. I also need to be able to modify it's system message/instructions so it knows what I want to do with it.

submitted by /u/Ok_Insurance9447
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