I wanna co-found cultural a center or a learning hub gravitating around AI projects in Lisbon, Portugal. I’m aiming that it will become a conscious humane-neuronal network+AI. Which organizations can give out funding or have grants for this type of cultural projects?
I wanna co-found cultural a center or a learning hub gravitating around AI projects in Lisbon, Portugal. I’m aiming that it will become a conscious humane-neuronal network+AI. Which organizations can give out funding or have grants for this type of cultural projects?

I wanna co-found cultural a center or a learning hub gravitating around AI projects in Lisbon, Portugal. I’m aiming that it will become a conscious humane-neuronal network+AI. Which organizations can give out funding or have grants for this type of cultural projects?

Which Artistic or Technological companies /institutions /startup incubators etc can finance us/give us grants?

Some insight's a bout this Open Sandbox project:

- There would be two main divisions, Creative Generative AI focused projects (image/video/fashion/tattoos/etc) and Bard or Chatgpt guided /helped geekier projects.

- I would like "movable" sound-dampening folding screens tall as walls (these will be enough for starting)onsite.

- Some kind of poles with big wheels with a monitor stand for a screen connected to cloud computing or space for a laptop, (the screen holder can be easily changed for seated or standing PC use) and a collapsible chair that you can take on the base of the pole, maybe even outside. the pole has a battery inside for the pc with a plug.

- there are normal tables too with this vertical monitor holder option

- the place has to be chosen by gift from the mayor or clerks or institutions or companies or an ample space.

- a professional discord server that teaches AI-related quick courses and that connects idea people and designers to makers to achieve things in real life, from a shoe to a lamp, to an investment company.

- there will be workshops and quick courses at the learning center. there will be online versions too.- People can have projects and they will have to trace stages of project development and they will have to follow their plan. or join other projects

- the symbol is a synthesized animation of "electrifying a gourd" (check bard for gourd's metaphors and lightning's metaphors)and an electrified gourd will be given for each project finisher on time or around the time established, which they can drink a local soft energy drink or whatever drink they choose.

- This can be done with minimal financing if we can get the place for free (some tables and enough best bang for buck hardware for cloud computing (if we can strike a cloud computing deal that will be awesome).I have more specs, for more information, message me.

submitted by /u/Niu_Davinci
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