I think I know how to create artificial general intelligence.
I think I know how to create artificial general intelligence.

I think I know how to create artificial general intelligence.

Last year, I couldn't even wrap my head around how things like ChatGPT, AI or machine learning work. Now, I just started putting things together, and it hit me, everything is simple at it's core, but at scale, is where the magic happens. In no way I consider myself the smartest person in the world, which leads me to a question, if I know it's possible, did someone already do it? Obviously, there weren't any headlines, except ChatGPT. I personally don't see any financial benefit that AGI would bring, nor do I see any reason why it should be done, except why not, and it sounds interesting. But how I see AGI, is creating another human brain, then putting that brain into artificial body, giving it senses and receptors (the mechanical part is by far the hardest in my opinion). So yeah, I don't see the reason why AGI should exist, except for the curiosity, and observation.

submitted by /u/CoolBeans864
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