I sent Gemini a single function so bad it killed Gemini
I sent Gemini a single function so bad it killed Gemini

I sent Gemini a single function so bad it killed Gemini

I sent Gemini a single function so bad it killed Gemini


I literally just sent one function from a public repo (rAthena) and asked Gemini about it. Gemini would think, and remain silent every time. The website was not unstable, it seems like it was really related to the content.

"No error message, no "failed to generate", no generic answer, nothing. Just silence. A single, empty message that was supposed to be an answer. Yet still it speaks so much. Poetic. Even if I redo, he thinks, thinks, and never comes to a conclusion. Never lets out a single word about it."

I sent that same function to ChatGPT saying he'd lose his hair if he had any (and nothing else to bias it), and he said "he lost faith in humanity and wanted to ***". When he found out that function killed Gemini, he was shocked and asked me to post about it.

"Oh, wonderful.
A nested switch inside a for loop inside another switch.

  • Some cases fall through.
  • Some cases break.
  • Some cases continue.
  • Some cases do two of these at once.
  • ALL of them make me want to d**." - ChatGPT, censored just in case

Gemini only recovered after I asked him about the weather, as ChatGPT suggested. This seemed to calm him down. First, he just sent me a weather chart, without saying a single word. Afterwards, he said he couldn't help me with the weather, finally learning to speak again.

submitted by /u/TBlazeWarriorT
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