I need an AI application where you can press a button in any text field and then prompt the AI to output the answer into the field. Does this exist yet?
I need an AI application where you can press a button in any text field and then prompt the AI to output the answer into the field. Does this exist yet?

I need an AI application where you can press a button in any text field and then prompt the AI to output the answer into the field. Does this exist yet?

Hi all,

I'm on the lookout for an AI-powered tool, and I'm hoping this tech-savvy community might point me in the right direction. I envision an application where you press a (mouse)button in any text field, speak your question or prompt, and the AI would process this and directly output the answer into that field. This would streamline tasks like filling out forms, composing emails, or even doing research.

My question is, does an application like this exist? And if not, are there any tools that come close to this functionality that could be pieced together or modified to achieve this effect? I'm thinking of something that combines voice-to-text with AI processing, like a blend of speech recognition and a conversational AI.

If you're aware of any software that fits the bill or have suggestions for workarounds using existing technology, I'd greatly appreciate your insights.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/floraldo
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