I made another AI game, the future of NPCs!
I made another AI game, the future of NPCs!

I made another AI game, the future of NPCs!

Hello, fellow AI enthusiasts!

After the positive response to Bargainer.ai, I got really excited about the potential of this technology in larger scale video games like World of Warcraft or GTA for example.

I'm happy to announce that I'm now releasing - Convince the Bouncer!

Chat with an AI Bouncer and try to gain entry to Elysium, the most elite night club. Don't worry; it's fairly easier than getting into Berghain.

Give it a spin here: convincethebouncer.com

P.S.: Get the VIP Pass from the Bouncer, and you might access an upcoming AI platform early! :)

Questions or ideas? Let me know. Thanks a bunch!

submitted by /u/gavo_gavo
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