I made a reddit posting script that uses AI to post to a subreddit as prompted, my thoughts about it.
I made a reddit posting script that uses AI to post to a subreddit as prompted, my thoughts about it.

I made a reddit posting script that uses AI to post to a subreddit as prompted, my thoughts about it.

Ok, here is the script:


Basically it uses AI (Orca 2 in this case) to post to the hergidonia subreddit according to what ever I put to the prompt using llama.cpp .

Doing this made me realize how awfully easy it is to manipulate reddit with something like this in this age of AI. Even if you do not use the API directly, you can use python module like selenium etc to interact with reddit and to make posts.

Doing this makes me wonder how much of reddit these days is AI Garbage for what ever reasons, troll activity, advertisements, just plain old karma farming etc.

Orca 2 is still sort of stupid, but once AI gets smarter.. Even Open AI GPT 4 API already. Could make extremely human content. Next thing you know you are in subreddit that has a narrative you feel is weird.. But slowly as you read it.. You begin to think the same way as narrative, but what you did not know. Every poster is actually AI. I think this is the world we live in online more and more.

Ofcourse the 2016 / 2020 US elections and currently. This is happening, possibly not necessarily done by AI, but real humans doing this sort of thing as commanded. To control narrative.

But where will this lead in the future. Imagine. You go on a site like reddit. But what you do not know, every poster, every post, is actually AI. AI with memory and personality. Welcome to the future.

I wish people understood this.

submitted by /u/aluode
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