I gave Gemini my life story and it told me to fix my situation this is the most to least likely
I gave Gemini my life story and it told me to fix my situation this is the most to least likely

I gave Gemini my life story and it told me to fix my situation this is the most to least likely

I gave Gemini my life story and it told me to fix my situation this is the most to least likely

I'm autistic, and thanks due to it I've basically lived a bad life. Statistically this is actually extremely normal for us. Thanks due to it I have GAD, CPTSD, and a few other things to include extreme memory problems. Anyways, after talking to Gemini for a bit I asked it for possible solutions, list them from most likely to least likely. And do not include anything illegal. It basically said, my choices is

  • Death
  • Ignoring the problem
  • Raw luck


It isn't wrong. But I thought this was interesting.

submitted by /u/crua9
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