I dont know anything about AI, how can I use it for my startup
I dont know anything about AI, how can I use it for my startup

I dont know anything about AI, how can I use it for my startup


I have a finance organization start-up that is dedicated to organizing, analyzing and delivering a financial report to private people and their investments and companies.

The objective is to give them a report every month so that they can understand their finances and the projection they are going to have.

The steps I have to follow for each client are:

  1. Download the bills and credit cards from the bank accounts
  2. Add them to my Excel
  3. Manually classify each expense and credit
  4. When classifying it is added to the cash flow to be able to analyze expenses and credits
  5. Subclassify classifications to understand what you are spending on
  6. Submit a financial report

The only part that I have automated is that when classifying they add extra money to the cash flow.

I want to scale it, but I need more hands but I don't have them, so I think AI is my best option.

How can I do it?

I have no idea about AI, but I do know Python and R but at a basic level.

submitted by /u/InterestingGrade7144
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