I Created a Fully Automated AI-Driven TikTok Channel — Here’s How
I Created a Fully Automated AI-Driven TikTok Channel — Here’s How

I Created a Fully Automated AI-Driven TikTok Channel — Here’s How

Hey everyone,

I've embarked on an intriguing journey experimenting with a completely AI-powered TikTok channel: aimotivateminds 🤖

How I did it:

  1. Scripting with ChatGPT: I used ChatGPT not only for video content ideas and scripts but also for generating prompts for video generation.
  2. Video Generation: I'm using the deforum_stable_diffusion
    on Replicate based on the prompts from ChatGPT. It's an interesting synergy between language and visual models.
  3. Voiceover: All the voiceovers are crafted using Eleven Labs. The synthesis is remarkably lifelike.
  4. Editing with Editly: After generating the videos and voiceovers, I've used the JavaScript framework, Editly, to stitch everything together seamlessly. I'm also using this to add the classic Tiktok subtitles automatically and add some background music.

I've committed to uploading videos daily for an entire month. The goal? To test traction and understand the nuances and challenges of running an AI-only content channel.

At the end of this experiment, I'm planning to share a comprehensive YouTube walkthrough detailing the entire process.

Would love to get your thoughts, feedback, and any questions you might have! Also, if you've done something similar or are inspired to try.


submitted by /u/General_crypto
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