I conducted this interview with the late Daniel Dennett in Morocco. Some of his final thoughts on Mortality, the Mind, AI and how he enjoyed Life while among us. RIP
I conducted this interview with the late Daniel Dennett in Morocco. Some of his final thoughts on Mortality, the Mind, AI and how he enjoyed Life while among us. RIP

I conducted this interview with the late Daniel Dennett in Morocco. Some of his final thoughts on Mortality, the Mind, AI and how he enjoyed Life while among us. RIP

Hi all, I wanted to share with you an interview I recently conducted with the late Daniel Dennett, one of the most influential philosophers and cognitive scientists of our time. As most of you may know, he sadly passed away on April 19th at the age of 82.

In February, I had the privilege of interviewing Dennett during the UM6P - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University's Science Week in Morocco. Little did I know that this would be one of his final interviews. We discussed a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence, consciousness, pain and sentience, and his reflections on mortality and the meaning of life.

As a renowned philosopher who greatly influenced the contemporary understanding of the mind, consciousness, and the impact of evolutionary theory on scientific and humanistic thought, Dennett's insights are invaluable. In the interview, he shares his excitement about the current rise of artificial intelligence and his amazement at witnessing the beginning of a dream that the scientific community had been eagerly awaiting since the 1960s. Dennett expressed his gratitude for being able to live in these exciting times, with all the amazing advancements and transitions happening in the field of AI.

Despite Daniel Dennett's passing, his ideas and influence will remain timeless, inspiring new works that will continue to push human thought forward, especially in the realm of artificial intelligence.


(Most of the content in my original YouTube channel is in Darija for the Moroccan audience, this is the first video on my new English YouTube channel, I hope you like the content).

submitted by /u/najibmok
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