I built a twitter advanced search simple alternative
I built a twitter advanced search simple alternative

I built a twitter advanced search simple alternative

Here are the problems I face when using the advanced search on twitter

  1. The advanced form is too overloaded to do simple research
  2. After submitting the advanced form, it resets. Not allowing to refine the existing search.
  3. The search query generated is not easy to read and shared by others

For these problems I created a solution

  1. I simplified the advanced form with a UI. You can type and select the filters you require.
  2. There's no reset after using the search. You can reuse your search.
  3. With a nice UI. The search query is easy to read and share with others.

To understand the tool better here are *3 use cases *.

  1. Search your target audience

  2. Monitor mentions of your brand

  3. Find most popular tweets on a topic

You can play with the above use cases. Edit them according to your needs.

You can check the Twitter search use cases here

Ps: works best on desktop

Hope you find it useful.

submitted by /u/deep_ak
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