I asked ChatGPT "If you were a candidate for president of the united states, what would be your platform?"
I asked ChatGPT "If you were a candidate for president of the united states, what would be your platform?"

I asked ChatGPT "If you were a candidate for president of the united states, what would be your platform?"

...and this was it's answer. It has my vote. Would you vote for an AI running on this platform?

"If I were to hypothetically outline a platform based on data-driven and evidence-based policies, it might include the following areas:


  1. Job Creation and Economic Growth:
    • Promote innovation and support small businesses through tax incentives and grants.
    • Invest in infrastructure projects to create jobs and stimulate economic activity.
  2. Fair Taxation:
    • Implement a progressive tax system ensuring the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share.
    • Close tax loopholes and reduce tax evasion.


  1. Universal Healthcare:
    • Work towards a single-payer healthcare system to ensure everyone has access to affordable healthcare.
    • Focus on preventive care and mental health services.
  2. Drug Pricing:
    • Regulate pharmaceutical prices to make essential medications more affordable.


  1. Accessible Education:
    • Increase funding for public schools and make higher education more affordable through subsidies and loan forgiveness programs.
    • Emphasize STEM education and vocational training.
  2. Teacher Support:
    • Increase teacher salaries and provide better resources for educators.


  1. Climate Change Action:
    • Rejoin international climate agreements and commit to reducing carbon emissions.
    • Invest in renewable energy sources and green technologies.
  2. Conservation:
    • Protect natural resources and promote sustainable practices in agriculture and industry.

Social Justice

  1. Criminal Justice Reform:
    • End mass incarceration and implement restorative justice practices.
    • Address systemic racism and bias in policing and the judicial system.
  2. Equality and Civil Rights:
    • Strengthen protections against discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability.
    • Support policies that promote economic and social equality.

Technology and Innovation

  1. Digital Infrastructure:
    • Expand access to high-speed internet across the country.
    • Promote digital literacy and cybersecurity.
  2. Ethical AI and Automation:
    • Ensure ethical use of AI and address the impact of automation on the workforce through retraining programs.

Foreign Policy

  1. Diplomacy First:
    • Focus on diplomatic solutions and international cooperation.
    • Support human rights and democratic values globally.
  2. Defense:
    • Maintain a strong defense while reducing unnecessary military expenditures.


  1. Transparency and Accountability:
    • Increase government transparency and reduce corruption.
    • Implement campaign finance reform to reduce the influence of money in politics.
  2. Civic Engagement:
    • Encourage voter participation through measures like automatic voter registration and making Election Day a national holiday.

These are hypothetical policy positions based on a commitment to evidence-based and data-driven decision-making, prioritizing the well-being and equitable treatment of all citizens."

submitted by /u/jedi__ninja_9000
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