I am not understanding the hype around Ai Chat software. Can somebody guide me to understanding what I am missing out on?
I am not understanding the hype around Ai Chat software. Can somebody guide me to understanding what I am missing out on?

I am not understanding the hype around Ai Chat software. Can somebody guide me to understanding what I am missing out on?

I may be out the loop. I see Smartglasses selling this AI assistance as a major selling point. Some people I heard are really deep into the AI chat. Besides for help with homework, I dont see the hype in this feature right now. What else can you do with the AI chat stuff?

the AI videos and art is cool, but the Chat thing, I dont see much of a purpose with besides searching for info on topics like a better Google or something.

What am I not doing? What am I missing out on?

Remember I am talking about just the AI chat stuff like ChatGPT, Meta AI, etc

submitted by /u/Knighthonor
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