HyperFields: towards zero-shot NeRFs by mapping language to 3D geometry
HyperFields: towards zero-shot NeRFs by mapping language to 3D geometry

HyperFields: towards zero-shot NeRFs by mapping language to 3D geometry

Generating 3D objects based solely on text descriptions has proven extremely challenging for AI. Current state-of-the-art methods require optimizing a full 3D model from scratch for each new prompt, which is computationally demanding.

A new technique called HyperFields demonstrates promising progress in generating detailed 3D models directly from text prompts, without slow optimization.

The HyperFields approach instead aims to learn a generalized mapping from language to 3D geometry representations. This would allow tailored 3D models to be produced for new text prompts efficiently in a single feedforward pass, without slow optimization.

HyperFields combines two key techniques:

  • A dynamic hypernetwork that takes in text and progressively predicts weights for a separate 3D generation network. The weight predictions are conditioned on previous layer activations, enabling specialization.
  • Distilling individually optimized 3D networks into the hypernetwork, providing dense supervision for learning the complex text-to-3D mapping.

In experiments, HyperFields exceeded previous state-of-the-art methods in sample efficiency and wall-clock convergence time by 5-10x. It demonstrated the ability to:

  • Encode over 100 distinct objects like "yellow vase" in a single model
  • Generalize to new text combinations without seeing that exact prompt before
  • Rapidly adapt to generate completely novel objects with minimal fine-tuning

However, limitations remain around flexibility, fine-grained details, and reliance on existing 2D guidance systems.

TL;DR: HyperFields uses a dynamic hypernetwork to predict weights for a 3D generation network. The method is 5-10x faster than existing techniques and can quickly adapt to new text prompts, but has limitations in fine details.

Full summary is here. Paper here.

submitted by /u/Successful-Western27
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