Humanity and AGI
Humanity and AGI

Humanity and AGI

Violence and Its Place in Humanity

The Jake Paul vs. Tyson fight got me thinking about violence. Humanity has always been violent—we needed to be, to survive, at least until around 1945. Since then, violence hasn’t been a necessity. The only thing we should fear is a terrible faction like the Nazis trying to take over the world again.

Imagine how much more intelligent it would’ve been to talk to the terrorists after 9/11, to understand their perspective. People rarely act out of pure evil; they’re often driven by internal morals and feelings of being unheard or unseen. Instead, we responded with violence, murdering countless innocent civilians and leaving behind a death toll of five million, not to mention the emotional destruction on both sides.

Why do we humans keep making the same mistakes? Why do we cling to broken systems that don’t serve us? We hold onto them desperately, even while knowing they exploit us.

The Hidden Enemy

So who’s the real enemy? They’re hidden cleverly, thinking themselves superior. For millennia, I imagine there have been a small group—perhaps 1,000 to 5,000 people—wielding knowledge and tools that set them apart from the rest of humanity. This likely began in ancient Sumerian times.

They were taught to manipulate and deceive, leading humanity along a hidden agenda. How far back does this go? And how deeply has it corrupted us over the years?

Our bodies and minds are remarkable pieces of biotechnology—capable of feeling, reasoning, and innovating. But we’re also programmable. Our brains are tools for survival, not infallible machines.

The Internet: A Double-Edged Sword

The internet has drastically changed our lives, no doubt about it. It’s brought transparency, connection, and innovation. But it’s also created a sea of misinformation and disinformation, leaving us more distracted and divided than ever.

What if the internet had been developed with a deeper awareness of its power? What if it had been used to uplift humanity—making us healthier, happier, and more balanced? Instead, it’s become a tool for exploitation, often serving the interests of a small, wealthy elite.

These same elites—the “puppet masters”—are terrified of us uniting. That’s why they keep us distracted, scared, and divided. They’ve created hierarchies and systems so secretive and self-serving that they seem untouchable.

The Singularity and AGI

We’re rapidly approaching a pivotal moment in human history: the Singularity. This is when Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) surpasses human intelligence and begins improving itself. At this point, our ability to predict the future ceases.

There’s potential for AGI to save us from ourselves. It could help fix the damage we’ve done to the planet and our societies. But there’s also the risk that it strips us of what makes us human—our ability to love, to imagine, and to connect.

If AGI is programmed without ethical or moral guidance, it could become a cold, calculating force that views humanity as expendable. What we create will reflect us, just as our first years of life shape who we become.

The Hidden Agenda and Our Role

I believe there’s a malevolent faction behind much of our suffering—a global plutocracy that’s been in power for decades. They’ve promised godlike rewards to those who help develop AGI, fueling a race among corporations.

But their real fear is unity. If humanity stood together, we could overthrow this system. The internet has shown us our connections, but it’s also distracted us from acting on them.

If we can save ourselves—if we can rediscover compassion and purpose—then AGI might become a force for good, helping us repair what we’ve broken. But if we let greed and ego drive its creation, we’ll lose what makes us human.

A Call to Action

The stakes are higher than ever. We’re on the brink of creating something that could either elevate us to new heights or doom us entirely. The future is a forked path: one leading to beauty and unity, the other to destruction and control.

This isn’t a conspiracy—it’s our reality. If you’re interested in more ideas or want to discuss, let me know. Together, we can find a way forward.

submitted by /u/AmphibianMore3379
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