How would you recommend I learn AI *today*?
How would you recommend I learn AI *today*?

How would you recommend I learn AI *today*?

I really want to go heads down in AI and focus on understanding everything about AI including all the fundamental math, the models, etc.

I have 25 years of software engineering experience and understand programming, databases, and a decent amount about machine learning.

My current plan is that I want to back fill my knowledge of linear algebra, calculus, and statistics. I understand a fair amount obviously but I want to refresh and make sure everything is solid since I'm going to be using it more.

This will take me about 6-8 months I think.

I'd like to keep learning AI in the mean time and hopefully not get bottlenecked on the math.

Here's where I need your help.

  • Should I just use something like Coursera and go through all the courses? Any other online courseware?

  • Should I start with textbooks? The problem here is I don't know which text books to start from since they're all a bit dated since AI is progressing forward so quickly.

I was kicking around the idea of going back for a masters in AI but I never finished my undergraduate degree. I just went right into tech 25 years ago. Started and sold two companies since then. It would be a huge waste of time to go back and complete that just for the paper so I can get into a masters program.

What do you guys think?

REALLY appreciate your help here! You guys rock! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/brainhack3r
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