How will we be able to interact with a powerful AI?
How will we be able to interact with a powerful AI?

How will we be able to interact with a powerful AI?

I was just running some thought experiments and I have some quite interesting questions. Let's assume that all those abilities everyone is talking about come to life and I will have an AI assistant which can do a lot more than I can.

How could I determine what its limitations are? I mean If I ask it to tell me what the weather is going to be like tomorrow, sure, no problem. But if I need an answer for a difficult question, like should I be doing something or something else (let's say should I go for a run, or lift weights and I don't want to get injured), which can be only answered precisely with access to my medical records, the current weather conditions, geolocation and tons of more data, furthermore requires a lot of computing power to process all that data quickly, will an AI just hallucinate when it is just too much for it, or will I receive an error message that something went wrong? Or how could someone know if it reached a resource limit? Could an AI predict the costs of a task in advance?

submitted by /u/arembi
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